Saturday, February 21, 2009

Workout Escape

Today has been great. I slept in until 10:30am! Woo-hoo! And then, Ewan and I actually got to escape and get a work out in, and go to Walmart. (Yeah, that was fun.) But, it was just nice to geta away and be in the car alone with him. The kids take up so much of our time, we really have to set aside time for eachother, even if it is a workout! It does help me when he works out because it is usually a longer workout than if I went alone!

Now, E is making some homemade chicken soup for Darius who is fighting a terrible cough, and it looks like his little sister is right behind in the illness area.

We have big plans to relax, and watch some movies tonight. I am definitely enjoying the weekend so far.