Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tornado Dream (More like nightmare!)

I must add this dream before I forget it! Most people know that I have an extreme fear of tornado's...

I was in a training class for my current job at the VA. We had to break for lunch and I went to the mall where Mom was working, only, she wasn't working at Gymboree. She was working at Victoria's Secret. I went there to see her and we went to the food court. We knew that my cousin Misty was in town, and would see her later that day. I looked up and Misty was walking by in the food court. She brought her son Tanner to eat, and she had him sitting in the window at American Eagle. (There was a bench in the front window, I have no idea why he was eating there.) So, I waved to Misty and she came to say Hi, and then went to get Tanner from the window.

We hadn't started eating yet, and I realized I didn't have time to eat. My Mom told me that I would have time to eat cake and ice cream, and I got into a panic and explained to her that I couldn't be back to training late since it was my first week. I went running to her store to get my purse and I couldn't find it. When I did, I went flying for the mall exit and as soon as I opened the door and looked outside, there was a GIGANTIC tornado. I knew that it was headed right for the mall, and I was a complete wreck.

I went running back into Victoria's Secret and was asking everyone where my Mom was. I was crying and everyone was laying down in the floor inside the store. (I think in real life, you actually go into the hallways!) I remember so many people there. Everyone was packed in like sardines and I was just sobbing. Everyone else was totally quiet, dead silent. Except me. I was asking a million questions. I wanted to know where Misty and Tanner were inside the wall. I was telling everyone that this was all wrong. That we couldn't be inside the mall, because the tornado would just cause the entire place to collapse on us. I was gesturing to all the poles and racks in the mall, telling them that they were all just going to land on us.

Then, I woke up. I have no idea what happened. That's probably a good thing. I have so many dreams about tornado's. Most of them when I was pregnant. That's when they started anyway, and they really have never stopped. It's really annoying because they are so real. I don't think I ever die in the dreams. I always wake up before that. I like to think that some sort of miracle stops the tornado 's and that is why I am still here today. If I ever see a tornado in real life, I am quite sure I would pass out. I have never passed out before, but I think that would do it. I hope and pray that I will never see that day. Or anyone else in my family for that matter.