Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You really CAN quit drinking Diet Coke without rehab!

Well, it seems like it's been awhile since I posted. It was kind of a busy week last week. I started a new diet, or no, a lifestyle change. No sweets, sugar, and NO DIET COKE. Can you believe that it has been ONE WEEK today since I last had a Diet Coke. I am talking NONE. Not one drop. Not one can. Not one splurge. It is very hard to believe that I could accomplish this, because before, I would have told you that I needed to go to a rehab clinic in order to deal with the withdrawal. (I am sure that some of you have experienced withdrawal headaches, and they are NOT fun. )

The first day was the worst, but it usually goes way beyond that. This is the longest I have ever gone without Diet Coke. Even when I was in St. Lucia for two weeks, I found a way to get some Diet Coke. On Wednesday last week, I was driving and thinking I shouldn't be, since the headache felt like someone was ramming a steel rod between my eyes. (How bad is it that pop will do that to you!!??) After that, no real headaches. A few faint ones randomly, but I have survived. I believe that if I oculd get through the first week, I can make it. I haven't set any time frame of how long I will go without drinking it. Maybe forever. We'll see.