Monday, March 23, 2009

Prayer Requests

So, you know how at most churches, you can jot down a prayer request? Well, I decided in church on Sunday, that I need to start writing down what I need to pray for. It's like, Oh, yeah, I would love to pray about that for you, but when my list is like 20 things, I really can't remember all of that. I hope that doesn't come across as insensitive, or not paying attention, but I really can't remember it all, and I want to pray about all of it.

I mean, do people really get out a list, and check things off in their prayer? I don't think so, but I can't think of another way to pray about everything, and not end up praying a prayer that basically asks God to remember himself about all of the things I am praying about. I am working on this. I will come up with some realistic solution. I'll pray about that! lol.